Small firefighting museum

257 26 Drahňovice

In Drahňovice, in the village square, you can see a small glass firefighting museum with a historical fire engine, firefighting equipment and uniforms.

The small firefighters' museum, which stands on the village square in Drahňovice, was the idea of several local people who brought it to a successful end. You will find here an old historical syringe that used to be in a barn. The locals thought it would be a shame if people didn't see it. At first, they wanted to solve it with a shelter, but since people are unwilling, they rather glazed the museum and secured it with anti-theft security devices. You can see not only the syringe, but also other firefighting equipment and uniforms.


257 26 Drahňovice
GPS: 49,82259453°N 14,90170245°E